Saturday 11 March 2017

BEHIND THE PURPLE DOOR: for Lent - the 10 stages of an hour's thoughts during a solo-prayer vigil outside Liverpool's infamous abortion mill (40 Days for Life)

(image grabs: Google Street View; public domain, fair use) The bpas
[British Pregnancy Advisory Service] "clinic", Sefton Park, Liverpool

(Liverpolitanus start-note: this welcome and urgent contribution piece refers to the damning NHS Care Quality Commission Report, delivered one month ago, regarding the unsafe routine practices inside the bpas (British Pregnancy Advisory Service) clinic in Liverpool. We strongly urge readers to learn the shocking and hypocritical truth, completely unreported in the mainstream media, about this horror site. We provide a precis of the damning report at the foot of this piece and also trusted links to the, very contemporary, source materials and also to the valiant pro-life news sites that have, of course, been alert to the otherwise silenced-scandal that has been allowed to unfold in our area. As always, readers can trust that all of our other links are safe. We entrust this prayerful piece to the Virgin Most Powerful)

Sign-up for the "40 Days for Life" silent prayer vigil here. Local contact: Declan Carroll; 07584-575867; 


i. Prelude

Every time I pray here it seems to pour down. Something about Rorate Caeli desuper. It's never like the "brochure" on Google Street View - all sunny and leafy. Though obviously it must be sometimes. Just not when I come. Though I do wonder whether the sun ever truly shines here. 

Ah, the vile purple door. Front and centre, as they say. The proud corporate colours of bpas. Wonder if they realise the penitential irony? As if! Yes, that violet door! Smudged with thousands of invisible finger prints down the years as "the born" have pushed through it. 

Lent. Wet. Fasting. Cold. It's utter misery. Hard to look at that purple/violet door and not think of tabernacles around the Catholic world right now veiled (in parishes that still bother with old-fad things like liturgical colours and covers, of course) in much the same shade. Penance. The difference between the two violet doors is eternities apart and terrifying to reflect on: one being a blessed portal for the nourishment of souls hopefully onwards towards eternal life; the other a damned gateway to hell. Wonder why bpas chose purple?

A thought: but one letter separates violet from violent. Vio-Lent.