Tuesday 10 November 2015

Well, then?

Home page of the website of the "Vatican II and The Church Today" conference that was due to be held in Liverpool (Hope University) on the weekend of 14th and 15th November, 2015: http://liverpoolvaticanii.org (screen grab at 5.30am - November 10, 2015)

Twitter page of the "Vatican II and the Church Today" conference due to be held in Liverpool (Hope University) on the weekend of 14th and 15th November, 2015 (screen grab at 5.30am on November 10, 2015)

Mark you, its Facebook page (with its five "likes") hasn't been saying much either:

Facebook page of the "Vatican II and the Church Today" conference due to be held in Liverpool (Hope University) on the weekend of 14th and 15th November, 2015 (screen grab at 5.30am on November 10, 2015)

Somehow, though, we're sure that we won't have heard the last of the "wisdom and conversation" (read fruitlessly whistling in the wind as the post-conciliar pews continue to empty) that "all" were to "benefit from".

And just when we had our post prepared to tell you how to save yourself sixty quid!

Not to worry.

Basically, if you want to know why we haven't yet seen the "fruits" of Vatican II (although it depends what they mean by "fruits" - sure, wherever you wish to go on that one...see if you can spot any dog-whistling "rainbow" coding on the conference homepage) then it's this simple: two fellas called Wojytla and Ratzinger stopped it all in its tracks and it's all only just got "back on track" - around March 2013 time (not sure what happened then).

There you go, it's that simple. Apparently. 

The more complicated version (but only trotted out by the really hard-core "lib-in-denial") is that an earlier chap called Montini also stifled it all. 

In short, then, it's still December 1965, or at the latest August 1978, in their sand-encased heads.

So let us await the "fruits", then, and the bright future for the Church. 

Indeed, as they say at the tri-polar Warrington parish cluster (which, irony of all ironies, is awaiting the arrival of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter any minute now), perfectly copying the official archdiocesan line, "
keep the 'conciliar spirit' alive":

Screen grab (November 10, 2015) of the official parish newsletter site of the triple-parish-cluster at Warrington of the St Oswald, St Benedict and St Mary churches (the latter of which is imminently to be overseen by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter but under the guidance of Rev. Fr David Heywood, the archdiocesan parish priest of the trio of sites...no, us neither!)

Screen grab (November 10, 2015) from the official website of the Archdiocese of Liverpool, advertising the archdiocese's now cancelled conference to celebrate and mark the 50th anniversary of the closure of Vatican II

Anyway, for the record, here's what you will be missing:

"Vatican II and the Church Today"? The picture has it: