Wednesday 15 February 2017

"Interculturalism" and "Universal Fraternity"

This post – largely centred around the movement known as Focolare – is addressed chiefly to those who self-identify as Catholic Traditionalists in the Liverpool area. FYI, as it were.

However, much like the aims of Focolare, anyone and everyone else is, of course, very welcome to stick around.

Before continuing with our, now 10 month, silence, we just wished to point out that next weekend (February 24th-26th, 2017) the 10th in a series of Focolare youth events called "ReGENerate" will be held at Welwyn Garden City.

We offer you this, from the "carpe diem" website entry that is currently advertising the event, stating that: "The political turbulence of the last year, the fracturing of relationships across societies, and the dejection that many young people feel, at the way things are moving in the world - will be challenged, and indeed countered by the enthusiasm, optimism and energy of ReGENerate 2017!"

Video materials encourage attendees to be: "Protagonists".

Incidentally, the other forthcoming events that the "carpe diem" listings site is proud to promote alongside the Focolare bash are the: "Defend Migrants, Stop Trump Day of Action"; "Unite For Europe March"; "March for Women - International Women's Day March in London"; and "The London 420 Pro-Cannabis Rally" (oh and a Sting gig - there's always a Sting gig).

We can't think why the lefty-luvvies at "carpe diem" would ever deem a Focolare event worthy of pushing!

By their friends...

We've spoken previously about the Christ-foreshortening and deeply sinister, but always cleverly and overly sugar-coated, Focolare movement and His Grace's unswerving commitment to it. It was a year ago to the month, as it happened, when His Grace was also on Focolare duty.

Now, if you still prefer to be in denial about either or both, then there's probably little we can do to convince you otherwise. But just in case you were still under the impression, maybe by hearing something along the way, that Focolare is "Catholic", then know that very recently it held its second "Muslim Conference".

At which: "The most repeated word at the conference was 'together' which highlighted the experience that has been maturing for years in the heart of the Focolare Movement: Christians and Muslims living the ideal of unity together, according to the charism given by God to Chiara Lubich [our note: the Focolare founder] fully accepting their individual identities and differences."

Catholic, not!


...the Welwyn Garden City event next weekend is part of what the global movement now proudly self-describes as: "Focolare/New Humanity".

Further, the weekend gathering in Herts, in the south of England near London, will fly under two other Focolare banners/sub-groups that it routinely uses as tools of obfuscation to hide its religion-eliminating and Christ-denying true intentions: "The United World Project" and "Youth For A United World [YC4U]" and it's all part of the hideous and sprawling "GenFest - By Focolare" (see the foot of that link) illusion.

"Genfest - By Focolare" (ergo Catholic, we're told) for example, enjoys sponsorship from, amongst others, UNESCO and EACEA (the latter being the European Commission's so-called "Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency").

The former, of course, should need no introduction to those who know how this Godless world really ticks. For those who are still in doubt about UNESCO, though, then LifeSite News is thankfully never off its abortion- and contraception-peddling case, up to its neck as it is in the whole Natural Law denying filth-push for the global normalisation of same-sex partnerships and "marriage". As an example of LifeSite News' sterling work to expose all things UNESCO, we offer you this link from only last October. But you can easily find others.

EACEA, meanwhile, has always been equally quick to support all manner of "gender inclusion", "gender theory", "gender equality" and "gen-this, that and the other" arrant nonsense, as well, of course, as so-called LGBTIQ [they'll run out of alphabet soon] initiatives (stupid us, we still can't figure out the need for the end Q there, for isn't that already covered by the LGB parts at least?; sometimes ignorance really is bliss!) Anyway, you won't have to scroll too far down the contents of that EACEA link above to find the pernicious project "Youth for more gender equality in the world" that it readily sponsored. Vile stuff. By the way, are you beginning to see why the GEN in Focolare's "ReGENerate" is now being not so subtly capitalised? Also, for the accountants amongst us, if you want to see to where thousands of thousands of EU monies have been frittered over the years then scroll right through that EACEA link and suffer as many of the project abstracts as you can - the one about receiving funding for a programme to remove gender stereotypes from fairy tales would be truly grimm if it wasn't so darkly laughable.

We can't think why the pro-abort and pro-sodomy gender-benders at UNESCO and EACEA would deem a Focolare initiative worthy of pushing!

By their friends...

We say this:

It's all part of the one, not-so-great but very, very big new world order network that no Catholic will really admit to supporting but is yet another of the hidden-in-plain sight aspects of the GENeral liberal tyranny that the rest of us thickos aren't supposed to notice or join the dots on.

And coincidence of all coincidences, Focolare and Genfest and all of its other banners and sub-groups and supporters and sponsors and initiatives and programmes will be in the vanguard of preparing the agenda(s) for the next Synod of Bishops (you might have heard about the last one) in 2018 - none other than Pope Francis is sure to make it so.

Quite coyly, and almost as a passing footnote to its GENeral gushing about the next Sinod Synod, the Focolare press-blurb declares that: "The young people of the Focolare Movement are also pleased because the Synod will take place just after the Genfest, when young people from the five continents will be gather in Manila, in July 2018."

Wow! Ain't that a stroke of luck! You've got to love one Jose-Luis, of Colombia who features at the foot of the above-linked press statement who believes it's all a super coincidence!

And yes, before we go, and before we receive emails telling us that Focolare really is Catholic and that we've got the wrong end of the stick and we're being really beastly, we do know that Popes Saint John XXIII, Blessed Paul VI, Saint John Paul II and Benedict XVI (and probably John Paul I if he'd reigned long enough) were all on the record as approvers of Focolare; we do also know that the "movement" gained its "Catholic credentials" in 1962 (something else happened in the Catholic world that year, we think).

As we said earlier, it's up to the reader to decide whether Focolare has gone off-the-rails, has been hijacked, was once Catholic but now isn't, or has always been another of the wolves wearing woollen jackets as just one of the myriad cogs in the "heresy of all heresies".

The rest of us are simply awake and can sniff true Modernism a mile off - like Pope Saint Pius X could see it coming well over a century ago.

So, in conclusion, we just thought we'd point out a few things about next weekend, and His Grace's coincidental attendance at Welwyn Garden City (this very day in fact) in the final run up to it, and about the next Synod - on the Youth - which really isn't far away now (but don't worry, it couldn't possibly be more disastrous than the last one, could it?).

Job done.

Pray for His Grace, for all in the Focolare movement, and for those young Catholic souls, so precious to Jesus, so easily lured by the false unity that is promised by religious indifferentism.


One penultimate thing, yes we know, in flagging-up things like His Grace's support for Focolare, we should always balance things out by reminding readers that...he invited the FSSP to serve at Warrington. So. All. Is. Ok. Then.

Actually, we also hear that Pope Francis is about to roll out the papal carpet for the SSPX. Now, what did we once say about the "Two Churches United Under One Shepherd Solution - aka Mutually Accepted Division (MAD)"?


Right, in true LIVERPOLITANUS style, we'll close with a couple of video links produced only in the last couple of obviously busy days for all involved with the British wing of Focolare:

ReGENerate - What is it from Corre on Vimeo.

Youth for a United World - Who are we from Corre on Vimeo.